Well, here I sit 12 hours after obtaining the hottest new gadget of the day - the Palm
Pre. - Am I glad I did it ? - Not really,,, Am I sorry I did it ? - No, I'm not sorry either.
PreludeWhen I first heard Palm had a new phone coming out at
CES 2009, I thought - "
Yawwn." - I don't really miss my
Treo 650, but it was my first mobile-mail device and it deserves a spot in my gadget museum.
WebOS - What on earth are they thinking...
WinMob, Blackberry, Android,
Symbian and,,, oh-yeah iPhone OS. - Does Palm really believe we need yet another OS to need to write apps for ? - Please !
Then came
Josh Topolsky on Jimmy Fallon and something clicked. - Wow, there is excitement, buzz, talk about a new gadget, and best of all - IT ISN'T APPLE !!!! Don't get me wrong, this blog is being typed on a
MacBook Air, but I really am getting a little tired of Apple being what every possible technology innovation is compared to. - Bring on Google,
C'mon Palm - and oh, by the way - do you have a Flip! camera yet ? - If not, go buy one now... please :-)
The Decision
Kristen broke her phone a few months ago and has been limping along on an old Motorola
Krzr. - She's forgotten her phone so many times recently that I told her, "You need to have a relationship with your phone so you don't forget it" - referring to me and my iPhone. - She said she wanted a real keyboard (she has an
iPod Touch) and I said -
Oooohh, so you want the
Pre ? (she showed no opposition and mild interest, so the deal was done...)
This meant I'd be leaving Verizon before our contract is up, at least for her phone - so I called to verify costs and all seemed reasonable. (I know a thing or two about
ETF's from my iPhone days). - So today, June 6
th couldn't come quickly enough to get the new family member.
Waiting in LineWide awake at 6am, I got ready and headed off to the local Sprint corporate/retail store by about 6:20am. I was #7 in line. - It was general chatter about blog postings and rumors for the next 90
mins, when the attention turned towards our goal.
The Sprint employee emerged to set out
balloons & pass out sheets of paper with a number on it. #3 was buying 2 phones, so I got
Pre #8. - They warned us that we'd need to wait outside while they kept staff ratios in check. - At 8am (not a minute sooner) - #1-5 entered.
After a full hour with #1-#5 in the store, #6 & I finally got to go in and play with their 2 demo units for 15 minutes. - Then 15 minutes later They rang up my
Pre, Touchstone & car-charger (while I grabbed cookies for those still waiting outside) and off I went.
UnboxingIt wasn't as magical as I'd hoped. - The Sprint person already cracked the seal and we were in a hurry to an appointment and I wanted the battery to charge while I was away. - That's when I found out about the extra-sticky base on the Touchstone. - I guess it's kinda cool :-/
First Impressions
- Sharp Plastic
- Hard to open/close the slider
- Fingerprint City
- Wow, Apple must really own those multitouch patents
- Small display
- Only 3/5 bars
Sure, it's neat - don't get me wrong. - But the Industrial Design excels while the
mechanicals and weight left me wishing for more.
WebOS & Setup for use at WorkAssociated to our
WPA2/Enterprise (
PEAP) wireless over
ECT - No problem !
Exchange ActiveSync - seemed to go with no problem, but it turns out this is a near fatal-flaw in this 1.0 release of WebOS/Synergy
Personal IMAP & Yahoo mail (this is Kristen's after all) setup easily.
While driving to another appointment accepted the update to WebOS 1.02 (67mb). It timed out over wifi - but finally prompted to install while we were in motion. It took 10 mins, but went fine.
We noticed some signal issues when Kristen got her first call (Hey Katie!). - Not sure yet how much talking on the deck helped or not. - We're still at very low minute usage.
Speaking of the minute plans,,, As someone leaving Verizon, I was pleasantly surprised that Sprint gives you 7pm-7am for nights/weekends, and TeleNav-based turn by turn navigation as well as "Sprint TV & Sprint Radio" which are included for nothing extra/month...
Oh, and it's Navigational maps are in 3D vs. iPhone's Google Maps-only 2D - nice !
Top Complaint -
- Exchange ActiveSync MUST get working and fast. - I'll talk to some folks closer to the EAS stuff at work to see if we can identify if it is as I expect...
- The slide out keyboard mechanical feels plasticy/cheap.
- 3/5 bars in the house : I'd hate to pay $5 a month for the Femtocell (AIRave)
- NO Tethering-Hello !?! C'mon Sprint, turn it BACK on as it was listed as a feature leading up to launch
- Battery life - 12 hours of modest usage (mainly data- not voice,
Top Faves -
- Synergy - Once I am able to get Exchange into this, I really like the unified & grouped view of all mail accounts
- Gosh that keyboard is nice to have back - not as great feeling as a Blackberry, but solid
- Brilliant display/resolution UI
- Flash on the camera - excellent
- Nice that it has a standard micro-USB port along with the Touchstone - C'mon Apple, Play nice someday eh?
I'm sure other things will arise over time, but for now - that's the summary of Day-1.
Prefully yours,